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medical technology

Venous thromboembolism

Inari Medical

With its products, Inari Medical is changing the lives of patients suffering from venous thromboembolism.

2 Programs:

  • Pulmonary embolism (PE)

    FlowTriever. – extraction/aspiration system

    Flowtriever is the first mechanical thrombectomy system to receive FDA clearance for the treatment of pulmonary embolism.

    It is designed for rapid thrombus removal and immediate improvement of symptoms in patients suffering  from acute pulmonary embolism.

  • Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

    Clottriever – mechanical thrombectomy

    System Clottriever system for mechanical thrombectomy
    also for the treatment of deep vein thrombosis.

More information at www.inarimedical.com